Friday, July 15, 2011

Lovin it lots and lots (aka Friday favorites!)

So, today is FRIDAY!!!!! Hallelujah! I should change things up this week and not do another website that I love, but honestly, I love this website sooooooo much! I almost did this one last week instead, but I was trying to wait. The fantastic site I am talking about is called:

I LOVE THIS SITE!!!!!! The majority of all of the dishes (plates, silverware, cups, etc) are disposable. But that doesn't mean it's the stuff you buy at Wal Mart!!!! This is fancy disposable wear. And I love it.

Those plates hold your cup too!!!! WHAT AN IDEA!!!!!! Yes, they are more expensive than a pack of plates at the dollar store, but think of the amazing dinner parties you could have with them. They look fantastic and you can just throw them away after! 

I seriously dream about some of their products. I've often thought about catering or parties where you don't want to buy a bunch of glass parfait dishes (or other similar things) just for people to eat the few bites that are in them and wash them later. Again, they answer those needs. You can make a fantastic dish and make it look amazing, and not worry about washing all of the little dishes later (of course, if you were my mom you would re-use them anyways - I love that lady). 

I'm just going to post more pictures of things I love from this site. And if you are like me, you will just drool over them for a little bit. 

Are the wheels turning in your head about the amazing dinner parties you can have in the future? I'm so ready? Anyone want to join me for a fancy shmancy (disposable) dinner party?

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